About Us

For nearly 200 years, Christ Episcopal Church has been the spiritual home for generations of Smithfield and Isle of White residents. With rich history, numerous volunteers & dedicated staff, CEC remains a strong part of the Christian community. We would love to be a part of your journey growing closer to God.

Visit Us

111 Church Street

Smithfield, VA 23430

Sunday Service

9:30 - The Wired Word Adult Class

10:30 - Rite II Traditional Service

Contact Us

757 - 357 - 2826

Sr. Warden Annamaria Penacola

Jr. Warden Pretlow Pacheco pretlow.pacheco@gmail.com

Treasurer Bob Amato treasurer@christchurchsmithfield.org

Administrator Beth Harris cecadmin@christchurchsmithfield.org

Formation Pretlow Pacheco pretlow.pacheco@gmail.com