04/09/2022 - Comments Off on April 10th – CEC Announcements and Bulletin link
April 10th – CEC Announcements and Bulletin link
Our 10:30 Rite II Palm Sunday Service will begin out on the sidewalk for the Liturgy of the Palms (palms will be distributed). We welcome Canon Roy Hoffman, who will officiate this Sunday and at our Holy Week (Maundy Thursday and Good Friday) services.
9:30 Wired Word Adult Class
Note: You will see question marks on the attached bulletin in the Easter Sunday column, but that has been resolved and the Easter bulletin will be correct.
Service Participants:
Warden of the Day and Greeter – Tim Jones
Usher – Mike Gambacorta
Layreader – Anita Wyrick
Acolyte – Anita Wyrick
Counters – Tim Jones and John Bates
Flower Guild – Joanne Willis
Altar Guild – Betty Dubinsky and Judy Cutler
Organist – Aaron Gregory
We welcome Bishop Haynes who will officiate on Easter Sunday. She will preach the sermon and offer Reaffirmation and Reception to the four parishioners who responded.
The Vestry has received and accepted a letter of resignation from the Reverend Martin Bagay. We appreciate all the love and care he has given us during his tenure at Christ Church and wish him well on the next ”leg of his journey.”
Maundy Thursday service – 6:00 PM (no foot washing)
Good Friday service – 12:00 PM (no communion)
Easter Sunday service – Rite II at 10:30 AM
Published by: ChristChurch in Uncategorized