July 30, 2022 - Comments Off on July 31st Announcements

July 31st Announcements

Please join us at St. Luke’s Historic Church for our 10:30 Rite II service this Sunday.  We will be blessed to have Ricky Goodwyn, Jr. with us to sing two solos!  Jean Marshall will be our organist.

There will be no Wired Word Adult Class on Sunday.  The Wired Word email has not even shown up today, but if it does, I’ll put it on the Library table for use in August.

Sunday Participants:

Rector – Rev. Carleton Bakkum

Warden of the Day/Greeter – Mary Cole

Usher – Eric Leaman

Lay Reader/Chalicer – Tim Jones

Acolyte/Chalicer – Fred Chapman

Counters – Bob McGreevy and Wayne Willis

Altar Guild – Beth Harris and Pretlow Pacheco

Organist – Jean Marshall

Sunday 7th – Sundays at Four presents the Terrific Teen Talent Recital at 4:00 pm.  No tickets/donations welcomed!

The August-October Day by Day booklets are in the Narthex and Parish Hall now, including the large print booklets.

With the other attachments is a revised CEC Directory with Fred Stanton’s corrected email.  And yes, “Staunton” in the address is correct (just in case someone thinks I typed it wrong!)

Update on Bob Dubinsky – He had to go back to the ER (running a fever) and an X-ray and CT scan showed a spot of infection.  He’s in Obici on antibiotics and juice for now.  Please pray for his recovery.

Deborah and Cory Webb – Judy Cutler let me know that their granddaughter, Chloe, in Wales was killed in an accident.  That is so terribly heartbreaking!   If you want to send them a card, Deb and Cory’s address is:

17 Dyfed, North Cliff, Penarth, CF641DX, Wales, UK.

Betty Woods – if you want to send a card, her address is 118 Croatan Court, Smithfield, VA  23430.  Her husband, Bob, died last week.

Robert and Debbie Stohlman – former members of Christ Church.  Mary Lindner let me know that Robert died last week.  There are no details on the service or an address.

Have a great (cooler, I hope) weekend!



CEC Directory - July 26, 2022

Bulletin-July 31, 2022

7-31-22 Prayers of the People - Form I


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