03/25/2022 - Comments Off on Holy Week Services:
Holy Week Services:
This Sunday Info:
Martin Bagay will be back to officiate our Rite II 10:30 Sunday service. Bag-A Lunch to follow the service. Bring your own bag lunch!
Holy Week Services:
April 10th – Palm Sunday 10:30 service
April 14th – Maundy Thursday 6:00 service
April 15th – Good Friday Noon service
April 17th – Easter Sunday - bring flowers for the cross and canned goods for C.O.P.!
The loose plate offering will be designated for the Mercy Chefs Ukrainian Relief effort organized by the Smithfield Downtown Merchants. OR checks can be made out to Christ Episcopal Church with Mercy Chefs on the Memo line and put in the offering plate. The counters will probably appreciate checks over a lot of loose offering! There will be two separate offering plates – one for CEC and one for Mercy Chefs.
Also, the “Genuine Merchants of Downtown Smithfield” are joining together for a weekend of fundraising for Ukraine with funds being raised to donate to Mercy Chefs in support of their extraordinary work on-site since the invasion of Ukraine. Mercy Chefs is an international aid organization based in Portsmouth, VA. The collection of funds will start Friday 25th through Sunday 27th – merchants will have containers for collecting money (cash). The Farmers Market will collect donations Sat. morning, also. Collections will continue through Thursday evening during Smithfield’s April Fool’s Eve Night Out event. The funds will be presented to Mercy Chefs on April 1st. Shop Smithfield and donate to Ukraine!
Be sure to join us Wednesday, March 30th at 5:30 for our FINAL Lenten meeting of “Reflection and Enlightenment” as we explore what the future holds and how we can define, access, and enact our vision for the future. Everyone’s input is important. Please come and share your ideas.
Also, please remember to bring non-perishable food or diapers for COP this Sunday, as we will present our gifts at the Altar before delivering them to Christian Outreach.
If you would like Easter eggs from the Catholic Church’s Ladies’ Guild, email GSEgglady@gmail.com. You will get a response letting you know the order was received and again to set up pickup time and payment.
The flavors are Peanut Butter, Buttercream, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Cream, Coconut, Cherry Nut and Marshmallow. Cost is $8. The deadline for ordering is Wed. March 30th.
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